On-line therapy provides support without having to leave the comfort of your home.
Wellness Matters is able provide therapy totally on-line! After contacting us, we will connect new clients with our client portal for completing the intake paperwork on-line. Our electronic health care record system and telehealth platform are HIPPA compliant and are covered by insurance at the same level as in-office visits.
Do you want to look forward to counseling rather than feeling stressed out about it?
Do you want help but find it difficult to squeeze an appointment in your schedule? Is your life so busy that it is hard to find time to attend appointments? Do you struggle with social anxiety or have physical barriers that make leaving your home or office difficult? Through the end of 2024, mental health appointments by telehealth will continue to be covered by health insurance plans similar to during the COVID19 pandemic.
Are you nervous about bumping into someone you know at the clinic?
Are you worried about your car being parked outside of a mental health clinic? Have you received mental health services before and found the process of entering a crowded clinic so uncomfortable that you didn’t go back? Have you experienced other clients telling people that they saw you at the clinic?
Would you like the convenience of therapy “coming to you”?
Do you wonder if on-line therapy is the same as telehealth, teletherapy, telemedicine, e-visits or virtual care?
On-line therapy sessions — also known as telehealth, teletherapy, telemedicine, e-visits and virtual care – make mental health services available to anyone with a computer or a device with a microphone and camera.
You can choose where to have your session — in your office, your home or wherever else is convenient and private. There is no need to download any software or create an account. On-line sessions are covered by insurance companies at the same level as clinic-based services.
Telehealth, teletherapy, telemedicine, e-visits and virtual care are not emergency services – in the event of an emergency, please call 911.
How do on-line appointments work?
Prior to the time for your appointment, you will receive an e-mail from your therapist with a unique link which will instantly connect you to your therapist. Wellness Matters uses Simple Practice which is a “HIPPA-compliant” service that ensures privacy and security. This platform is certified through HITRUT – a third-party assessor that verifies the strictest level of HIPPA compliance.
All data is encrypted, sessions are anonymous, and none of the sounds or images are stored. Each appointment has it’s own unique link.
On-line services may not be adequate or appropriate for every type of therapeutic situation and, therefore, Wellness Matters staff may decline to engage in on-line services if clinically deemed inadequate or inappropriate.
Contact Wellness Matters for a free 15-minute consultation or to make an appointment:
Contact Wellness Matters LLC for more information (218) 616-1276
For more information about Wellness Matters providers, please see About Us – Wellness Matters.