Wellness Matters, LLC

7 posts

Helpers Needing Help

Are you a helping professional? Has COVID-19, secondary trauma, stressful working conditions, or an overwhelming caseload got you feeling burnt out? If so, you are not alone. The last few years have brought a significant amount of stress to everyone, not to mention doctors, nurses, therapists, teachers, pastors, and other […]

Taming Those Tantrums

By Emily Pierson, MEd, LCPC, LPC Are your child’s tantrums wearing you out? Are you a parent to a toddler or preschooler? Are the “terrible twos” driving you crazy? Is your little one beginning to have more meltdowns? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything? Are you wondering if there […]

Teachers: Your Health Matters Too

By Emily Pierson, M.Ed., Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor The spring semester of 2020 school year was just plain hard. Not to mention, every semester since then has been difficult as well. The COVID-19 pandemic sent schools across the country into a tailspin. Educators were forced to change everything and learn […]