Title: Grievance Procedure
Effective Date: 1/1/2023
PURPOSE: To provide an administrative process through which clients can seek formal review by management of issues related to their services and to ensure policies are correctly interpreted and applied to them in an effort to resolve problems and issues.
APPLICABILITY: Clients of Wellness Matters LLC
A. General Requirements:
1. The grievant must use forms provided by Wellness Matters and, if necessary, one side of one additional 8½ x 11-inch page, to describe a single issue or complaint and propose a specific resolution.
2. The grievant must mail the Wellness Matters Grievance form and related documents via certified return receipt mail within 30 calendar days of the alleged incident or event.
3. The grievance being submitted must include the client’s name, address, date of birth, telephone number, date of the incident, name of the staff member involved in the incident, name of the person who was harmed, and the details supporting the allegation of harm.
4. Grievances must be signed, dated and returned to Rita Anderson, owner of Wellness Matters at P.O. Box 957, Park Rapids, MN 56470.
B. Informal Resolution
1. The first step clients must take to resolve a grievance will involve the client verbally speaking to the individual involved in an attempt to informally resolve the matter. This will include identifying recourse desired.
2. If an informal resolution is achieved, the terms of the informal resolution will be documented in the client’s electronic health care record. A copy will be provided to the client.
C. Formal Grievance
1. In instances where an informal resolution is not achieved, the client will be directed to document their complaints in writing on a grievance form.
a. Grievance forms are posted on the Wellness Matters LLC website and posted on the bulletin board in the lobby of the Wellness Matters LLC clinic.
b. The completed grievance form must be submitted within 30 calendar days of the incident.
2. Wellness Matters LLC owner, Rita Anderson, will assign a contractor to initiate an investigation into the complaint.
a. The investigation will include speaking with the grievant, the contractor identified by the grievant and anyone else identified as relevant to the grievance.
b. The investigation will include reviewing documentation relevant to the complaint.
3. Investigations of grievances will be completed within 30 calendar days of the date the grievance was filed and the findings will be documented in writing and mailed to the client via certified return receipt mail through the United States Post Office.
4. When the grievant does not agree with part or all of the response, they may file an appeal within 30 calendar days of receipt of investigation results. The appeal must be in writing and a copy of the original complaint along with the results of the investigation must be included and mailed via certified mail through the United States Postal Service to:
Wellness Matters LLC Rita Anderson
P.O. Box 957
Park Rapids, MN 56470
5. A response to the appeal will be determined within 30 calendar days of receipt of the appeal and will be final. A copy of the response will be mailed via certified mail through the United States Postal Service to the grievant and documented in the electronic health care record.
D. Advocacy
1. Clients are welcome to work with an advocate to assist with filing a grievance. Clients may also request that Wellness Matters, LLC. provide assistance in filing the grievance.
2. In instances where the client is a minor, a vulnerable adult, or otherwise requires the assistance of an advocate, Wellness Matters, LLC., will provide an advocate.
E. Notification and Posting of the Grievance procedure
1. Wellness Matters, LLC., notifies all new clients of the grievance policy and procedures upon admission as well as posts the information on the Wellness Matters website and in the clinic lobby.
INTERNAL CONTROLS: All completed Grievance Forms and investigations, including responses and related documents will be retained by Wellness Matters, LLC., in accordance with the applicable retention schedule.
DATA PRIVACY & RETENTION: All Grievance related documents will be retained and preserved in a secure, Confidential electronic health record (EHR) file according to the Wellness Matters, LLC., retention schedule and as dictated by State and Federal Law.
REFERENCES: Minnesota Patient Bill of Rights
REPLACES: Wellness Matters Grievance Policy 3/12/2021
ATTACHMENTS: Wellness Matters Grievance Form – ATTACHMENT A
APPROVAL: Rita Anderson, LPCC, LADC, Therapist/Owner of Wellness Matters, LLC