Do I Need Help with Healing from Trauma? Trauma is a word we hear often—on social media, in therapy discussions, and even in everyday conversations. But what does it actually mean? Is it just about major life-threatening events, or is it something more subtle and personal? Do I need help […]
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What is perfectionism? There are varying opinions about perfectionism. Some see it as a good thing. After all, what’s wrong with having high expectations and doing your best? Except that really isn’t perfectionism. It’s not about doing your best; it’s about literally being perfect. Of course, that’s not possible for […]
Are you a teenager or young adult? Have you found yourself wishing you looked different? Do you wish you were taller, had more muscle mass, or that you had that perfect tan? Maybe you want to look like the “Instagram models” who always have their make-up done and that “effortless […]
Communication is important in every type of relationship. While most people understand how essential it is to communicate effectively in romantic relationships, it’s just as crucial with your family. Whether you live under the same roof or have grown children out on their own, healthy communication should always be a […]
Do you struggle with depression? Are you worried that you won’t be able to make any meaningful changes in your life? If so, you’re not alone. Struggling with depression makes setting (and following through with) New Year’s resolutions even more of a challenge. Figuring out meaningful, realistic goals this time […]
It doesn’t seem fair to be lonely during the holidays. The holidays are a time to be with people you love and care for. Families spend more time together. Friends get together for parties. Couples post adorable, yet cringe-worthy, pictures from these events on every social media platform. Watching couples […]
Struggling to feel festive and jolly? Does spending time with family make you anxious? Or is the opposite true? Does not being able to see loved ones lead to feelings of depression, guilt, or grief? Does the pressure to buy gifts for everyone make you feel stressed and overwhelmed? Do […]
Family Communication is Challenging!! Some people joke about having a “dysfunctional” family. Others say they can’t speak to anyone else the way they speak with their family members. While there’s some fun in having friendly family banter and unique ways of communicating, there are also some red flags that should […]
What’s the Difference Between Stress and Anxiety? Many people think anxiety and stress go hand-in-hand. While the two can certainly be connected, that doesn’t mean they’re the same thing. Stress can trigger anxiety, and anxiety can cause stress. But how are they different? Unfortunately, both stress and anxiety are incredibly […]
Are you a helping professional? Has COVID-19, secondary trauma, stressful working conditions, or an overwhelming caseload got you feeling burnt out? If so, you are not alone. The last few years have brought a significant amount of stress to everyone, not to mention doctors, nurses, therapists, teachers, pastors, and other […]
Have you noticed yourself experiencing extreme amounts of stress? Do you worry too much about things you probably shouldn’t be? Is this stress or worry keeping you from doing things you used to love? Whether you’ve recently experienced these feelings or if they’ve been around for a while, you don’t […]
By Emily Pierson, M.Ed., Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor Are you a high school student during these “uncertain times”? Let’s talk about the obvious things first. High school is hard. The transition from middle to high school brings academic changes. Suddenly there is pressure to perform in the classroom to prepare […]
By Emily Pierson, M.Ed., Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor The spring semester of 2020 school year was just plain hard. Not to mention, every semester since then has been difficult as well. The COVID-19 pandemic sent schools across the country into a tailspin. Educators were forced to change everything and learn […]